Your Employees Are Your Greatest Asset. To Demonstrate That You Value Them You Want To Help Them And Their Loved Ones In Case Of Misfortune. To Cater To This Large Human Pool Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited Provides Tailor Made Options To Suit Your Needs. With The Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited Group Personal Accident (GPA) Policy You Can Offer Benefits Like Accidental Death Cover, Disability Cover, Children’s Education Allowance And More. A Few Of Our Esteemed Clients Include Infosys, IBM Group, Essar Group, Accenture, Oracle Financial Software Services And Many More …
The GPA Policy covers:
- Accidental Death: Death due to Accident.
- Dismemberment: This would mean loss of limbs, loss of eyesight, loss of hearing, etc.
- Permanent Total Disability : If injury leads to permanent disability.
- Permanent Partial Disability : If injury leads to partial permanent disability.
- Weekly Benefit : Entitles insured for loss of Pay on temporary basis due to an accident.
- Accident Medical Expenses Reimbursement : Entitles insured to claim both OPD and In patient expenses